EMDR Solutions I, Robin Shapiro Book Study (12 CE Credit Hours)
This reading-based asynchronous distance learning Home Study Program offers an opportunity to earn 12 CE credit hours (EMDRIA, Psychologists, ASWB ACE, NBCC). The book itself (not included) is the educational content of this program. This reading-based asynchronous distance learning program provides a self-paced opportunity to learn and earn CE credit hours. This CE program is designed for licensed mental health clinicians who are also trained in EMDR. Content level is intermediate to advanced for EMDR trained clinicians. By passing the CE program quiz developed for this program, you will demonstrate that you have gained knowledge by reading this book.
The reading based asynchronous distance learning program is based upon the information in: EMDR Solutions I: Pathways to Healing by Robin Shapiro, LICSW book must be purchased or acquired separately
Practical therapeutic strategies and clinical insights from EMDR practitioners who serve diverse clinical populations.
In EMDR Solutions (published July 17, 2005) you will find fifteen exemplary EMDR solutions, each of which develops the Standard Protocol in creative and highly effective ways. These solutions move EMDR forward and expand the application of this powerful therapeutic approach. In this source book of therapeutic strategy and clinical insight, each chapter presents step-by-step instructions for implementing a particular EMDR solution with clients. Each intervention is enriched with relevant case histories that bring to life new targets for and variations on the standard EMDR protocol. Concrete and specific, the clinical work illustrated here will add to you fund of knowledge and broaden your practice.
Click here to preview the book’s table of contents.
Endorsements for EMDR Solutions
“Robin Shapiro maintains that there is still plenty to say about EMDR and this book proves her right. The abundance of riches offered here will be of enormous value in deepening the clinical work of therapists trained in this method. The creative clinicians who have contributed to this volume delineate in detail their innovative approaches to wide range of problems and demonstrate how their strategies fit into traditional EMDR methodology. Clinical vignettes bring the descriptions to life. This inspiring and practical collection is essential reading for EMDR therapists!” — April Steele, EMDRIA-Approved Consultant and Credit Provider and author of Developing a Secure Self: Working with Attachment in Adults for EMDR Therapists
“The seasoned professionals contributing to EMDR Solutions have developed creative, respectful, and theory-based solutions to meet the challenges presented by perplexing and complicated clients. After reading this book from cover to cover, I feel both validated and inspired. I recommend that you read this book whether you’re an ‘old-timer’ like me or a relative newcomer to the EMDR field. The practical steps outlined in every chapter plus the many case scenarios are tremendous resource for all of us.” — Judith Boel, Past president of EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Program, and retired EMDR Basic trainer.
Robin Shapiro, LICSW, has been an EMDR practitioner for over 24 years, She is the editor and an author in two EMDR Solutions books, The Trauma Treatment Handbook, and Easy Ego State Interventions. In her books, lectures, clinical consultations, and workshops, Robin strives for plain language, easy-to-grasp concepts, and maximum usability for her readers, students, and consultees. As a frequent speaker at conferences and free-standing workshops in North America and Europe, she teaches about the treatment of trauma, dissociation, depression, attachment issues, bringing sexual abuse survivors to a happy, healthy sex life, and suicide prevention. She provides clinical consultation to groups and individuals in Seattle, and long distance, across the U.S., Canada, and Europe. Since her professional beginnings in the 1980s, the awareness of culture, ethnicity, class, gender, and sexual identity have been themes in all of Robin’s work. She’s currently writing How to Do Psychotherapy.
Learning objectives:
1. Describe the strategic developmental model for EMDR
2. Describe 3 ways to integrate resource development within EMDR practice
3. Describe EMDR methods to treat dissociative identity disorder and DDNOS
4. Describe key features for dissociative clients and modification for treatment
5. List 3 uses for the two hand interweave
6. Describe key features of DeTUR, an urge reduction protocol for addictions
7. Describe 3 uses of the reenactment protocol for trauma and trauma-related pain
8. Explain methods for treating cultural and generational introjects
9. Describe EMDR methods for treating the binge-diet cycle
10. Describe uses of EMDR with clients with mental disabilities
11. Describe methods for using EMDR with anxiety disorders
12. Provide examples of using art, play and storytelling when treating children
Key Features:
1. Practical and User-Friendly
2. Variety of EMDR client populations including Pain, Anxiety, Mental Disability, Couples, Children, Addicts, Dissociative Disorders, and Procrastinators
3. Kitchur’s Strategic Developmental Model for EMDR which teaches great history-taking and developmental targeting that is perfect for clients with complex trauma and attachment issues
4. Robin Shapiro’s Two-Hand Interweave, which helps clients differentiate between choices, safe-present and scary-past, past abusers and current nice people, and dysfunctional ego states vs. functional adult parts who ought to be running the current life
5. Roy Kiessling’s lovely and fun Resource Development Strategies
Instructions after purchase of book study program:
1. After completing the purchase of this CE program, you will receive an email payment receipt verifying your purchase with a link to a quiz based upon the book’s content.
2. Participants purchase or acquire this book separately
3. You will be provided with a downloadable PDF version of the CE quiz to use while you read.
4. To earn your CE hours, complete the CE Course completion requirements below.
5. Participants have up to a year after purchase to complete the CE program.
6. When you complete and pass the quiz, you will be issued a downloadable certificate documenting 12 CE credits earned: EMDRIA, psychologists, ASWB ACE, and NBCC.
CE Course completion requirements:
1. Read EMDR Solutions I, Robin Shapiro Book Study
2. Complete course evaluation
3. Pass content-related quiz (score 75% or above – 3 chances to take the quiz)
Cancellation/Refund Policy: Requests for program purchase cancellation/refund must be in writing to info@emdradvancedtrainings.com no later than 2 weeks after registering for the program. Refunds will be 75% of purchase price. No refund will be given for requests made past this timeframe or for those programs for which the attendee has already obtained CE hours.
– CE, Policies and Help: Click here for CE, Policies and Help for Complaint and Grievance Procedures, Refund Policy, Disability Accommodations and more.
– Direct additional questions to: info@EMDRadvancedtrainings.com, or to Mark Nickerson, LICSW | Director of EMDR Advanced Trainings | Box 3, Granby, MA 01033. | Phone: 413-256-0550
Note: After you complete you registration, you will be automatically sent a confirmation email for your order, which will also serve as your payment receipt. If you do not see it, please check your spam filter and/or tabs. If you still cannot find your receipt, please email info@emdradvancedtrainings.com.
EMDR International Association: EMDR Advanced Training & Distance Learning, LLC is an EMDRIA Approved Credit Provider (#07002) and maintains responsibility for this program (#07002-DL40), and its content in accordance with EMDRIA standards.
National Board for Certified Counselors: National Board for Certified Counselors: EMDR Advanced Trainings & Distance Learning, LLC has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6709. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. EMDR Advanced Training and Distance Learning, LLC is solely responsible for all aspects of the program.
American Psychological Association: Advanced Psychotherapy Trainings (APT) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. APT maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB): EMDR Advanced Training & Distance Learning, LLC (EMDR ATDL) [provider #2036] is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education credits by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program Regulatory Boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: 1/10/25 – 1/10/26. Social workers completing this course receive 12 clinical education credits. EMDR ATDL maintains responsibility for this program.