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WeMind EMDR Therapy ~ Use WeMind EMDR Free trial and then a 30% discount

The all-in-one platform for EMDR memory desensitization

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The WeMind EMDR platform is a web-based all-in-one solution for online and in the office therapy. It provides standard and innovative tools for memory activation, bilateral stimulation, and continuous memory taxation. Serving the needs of any EMDR therapist, the WeMind platform has been developed in collaboration with EMDR experts and is informed and updated with the latest EMDR-research. Our advanced system will improve treatment effectiveness and efficiency. Your client’s SUD will drop faster

WeMind is committed to providing evidence based EMDR solutions. Our memory taxation option has been validated through research and is reimbursed by the Dutch healthcare insurances because of its research and proven effectiveness. In one study, WeMind produced a 49% faster SUD decrease than standard BLS methods!

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Learn more about the Working Memory theory 

Sold By: EMDR Advanced Trainings & Distance Learning


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